Do you ever have those mornings where you wake up late, but today it doesn't matter. That happened to me this morning. I think my job is a great fit for me because I don't have to be to work until 9. So that means I set my alarm for 7 in the morning. I love that hour because it feels late enough that I am not such a zombie trying to wake up, but it is early enough for me to get all the national news from Good Morning America.
This morning found me waking at 8 without the alarm ever going off...guess I forgot to set it last night. Normally, I would panic. But, not today. I leisurely got out of bed, made coffee, turned on Good Morning America (halfway over), and sat in my rocking chair with my puppy. What a great morning!
I spoke with my neighbor last night. Her name is Gigi (pronounced giggy). She is the grandmother of one of my best friends. I was cleaning out the carport, and she stepped out to say hi. We ended up talking about her life for a bit. I asked her about when she moved to Celina. I learned she is a native Californian too. She is adorable!
I think about how diverse everyone is, but at the same time, we are so similar. We journey different paths in life, and our paths criss-cross each other's. Sometimes out treks are side-by-side, other times we are that wayfaring stranger that never see each other again. But, we are put together for seasons of life for specific reasons. Gigi and I would not be the "normal" profile for friends, but I am so glad that she is my neighbor and friend. We have broke that mold. ha ha ha
She told me some about her husband. She has been widowed for some time now, I think. She told me about this young man who asked how she felt after her husband had died, and I was touched by her description.
She explains it as an amputation. Say a leg.... After the wounds of the operation are healed, and after the initial shock has passed and the funeral is over; there is still the expectation that a leg/spouse should be there. It/he had been there for years, it isn't just over and done with...there are days, months and years of coping with the lack of existence of a leg/spouse.
As painful as that sounds to lose someone like that, I am not sure if I would want to live without it either.
So, I said all that, to say this. Gigi taught me a lesson last night. Time, to be exact: right now, is all we have. There is no need to fret about waking up late, forgetting to iron clothes the night before, forgetting to run the dishwasher, etc. I was aware this morning that life is precious. And that a great attitude is a choice. I wanted today to be the best Friday I have had in a long time. And guess what...that was all within my power. It's a choice to be happy...I am making it!