Thursday, February 28, 2008

And On to Politics

I am not pretending to be the most intelligent person when talking about politics. I am just stating that one should use common sense when dealing with politics. A person should never paint some "what if..." questions for politicians to answer in a debate. As a nation, I think we have leaned in the last 7 years that nothing can be absolute. I find that the nation's circumstances have changed so much.

I do think that Hillary has the more experience than Barack. I also believe that the democratic party is more realistic than Republicans. I was raised Republican. I still agree with a lot of what Republicans believe. But, I also have to look at the big picture in life...and right now, I believe the Republican party and its leaders have been living in a Fairy Tale "bubble."

I want our troops home...very soon. I want health coverage for everyone. I want jobs to stay here in America. I want us to spend more time on correcting our own problems than trying to correct others. We need a pride in ourselves again...when will that arrive.

March 4th is the primary election date. Go vote. Even if you don't agree with me, go vote. We have an obligation as citizens to help create and plan the government. There are plenty of immigrants that would love the instilled opportunities that we as Americans are granted by birth. Take pride in that...go vote.

And, for those who are in Celina...I have a great candidate for city council. That would be my boss, Todd McCally. He embodies the heritage that Celina owns, but also the contemporary spirit of the fresh face of Celina. Our town is changing, and who better to help preserve what we have and reach for what we can be, than a man driven by integrity like Todd? Go Vote!

And that is my soapbox for the day!

1 comment:

Julie said...

You've gone and made yourself a blog!!! Isn't it exciting! I love it and I'm meeting wonderful people through the blogging world.

Thank you for your sweet words on my blog.

I've received some flowers from my boss and I've taken a picture of them. I would like for you to make a silk arrangement exactly like it. I'll give you the money to buy the stuff. I don't have the talent that you do.