Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I am not one to give out advice...I hardly think I have enough wisdom or knowledge to pass on. But, I am gonna give this one piece of advice: Get up early enough in the morning to enjoy it. The last two mornings, I have set my alarm to get up one hour early. Yesterday was hard in the afternoon. I got so tired. I went ahead and kept my alarm set for the same time. I love spring mornings.

I went over to mt parents' house last night for dinner. I had made a pork roast, but didn't want to eat it on Sunday. So, we heated it up and ate it last night for dinner. It turned out pretty good. Then Dylan and I practiced his music. I am trying to remember all the tricks that my professors in college taught me. He is gonna do great. After singing, we watched Dancing With The Stars. I think the end has come for Priscilla Presley.

Well, i am gonna get some work done! Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Glad to finally see some updates!!! I was beginning to wonder. I've got Clay blogging on myspace now. And I usually copy my blog from here over to my myspace page because some of my family doesn't read my google blog.

We've been busy and will continue to be until the 2nd week in May. We have something every weekend until then. UHHHHH!!! I love life but I like it to be slow sometimes.

let me know how Dylan does.