I went to Oklahoma this weekend. We had the Pevehouse family reunion. It was great getting to see some people i hadn't seen in years. I usually don't go to family reunions. That might sound bad, but I know some distant cousins could careless about seeing me, since we don't actually "know" each other. One thing that is nice about a big family, someone might not know me, but they at least know "I came from Doug."
One of my favorite memories about going to Oklahoma is that my Granny loves garage sales. My Papaw would joke every time they passed one while driving. He'd yell, "Don't look Pegs." I don't think he minded Granny garage sale-ing, but it is a cute memory I have about them.
I picked up the "garage sale bug" from Granny. On Friday, my friend, Alyssa, and I got lunch at Sonic (again, not a Slimfast) and we drove all over town to the garage sales during lunch. We were getting sad since we came to the last one and still hadn't found any treasures. It is a good thing we hadn't got anything yet, because we needed our cash for this last sale. I ended up spending $70. But, I got some great deals on some beautiful antiques.
I love antiques. I love that furniture used to be made to last forever. I love that people used to buy furniture and they expected to not have to buy a replacement a few years down the road. I know that they don't seem modern, but to me, they seem classic and timeless.
I got 4 new pieces of furniture for my home: A cabinet that now sits atop my sideboard/buffet, an accent table that has beautiful in-laid wood decals, a victrola cabinet, and a desk. The desk was a harpsichord (supposedly from the 1800's) that was gutted and turned into a desk. I love them all. But I think my desk is my favorite. I am using the victrola case to store my sheet music. Here are some pictures of my place with my "new" antiques:

This is the cabinet thing I got.

This is my desk.

This is the victrola case that store my sheet music.

And, this is my accent table. You can't see the inlaid wood from this picture that well, but it nice.
So, now that I have my camera here at work, let me walk you though my place:
Dining Room:

Living Room:

My Bedroom:

Guest room/office:

My little accent table sits between the two bedroom doors...trying to cover up the air conditioner closet. My kitchen is small, nothing interesting in there, and my bathroom is the same way.
So now that you have seen my home, and know that it is livable (ha ha ha), stop by sometime for a visit. If it gets late, stay over night. I don't want it to seem that I am boastful of my home, I am very grateful that I have been able to collect all this stuff, and don't live in a "frat house." When I first moved out of my parents house at the age of 18, I made a huge mistake of buying stuff to fill my apartment...filled up a credit card that took me five years to pay off. So, I am proud that I inherited Granny's garage sale "trait."
It is Monday, a new week with new possibilities. Let's make it a great week!