Monday, July 14, 2008

The weekend

What a busy, fast paced weekend I had!!!! On Saturday, my roommate, Brooke moved. I went over and helped her unpack some and helped hang some stuff up on the walls. She has a lovely home with a beautiful view from her balcony. It over looks a creek. I love the area of Plano where she now lives. I used to work about 1/4 of a mile from her apartment. I am so happy for her, but already miss her.

I came back to my place late Saturday afternoon to start the arduous process of rearranging, organizing, cleaning and redecorating. I surprised myself by getting everything done but my bedroom that night! Spreading all my stuff out over the whole duplex makes it look less cluttered. By 11, I was beat. I crawled into the shower and then to bed. My legs were throbbing from being on them all day. By 11:30, I was out.

I woke at 8 on Sunday morning still feeling the after shocks of the move. I had my SlimFast and coffee then went to church. The pastor is doing a sermon series on the Ten Commandment. Yesterday was #4 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." He used "Ferris Bueller" as the object lesson. He explained that God set up this schedule for us to keep up balanced physically, emotionally and spiritually. I had never heard this commandment explained this way before. God wants us to set a day aside where we can totally "check out" so that he is the only focus of that return, we get rested and rejuvenated. The reason the Ten Commandments were created was for our benefit. When we follow them, not only does it strengthen our relationship with Him, it makes our lives here on earth easier...we become more balanced.

After church, we went to Jalapeno's for lunch. Since being on this SlimFast diet, I don't eat full meals like that much. I ate like a pig. I had chicken enchiladas with sour cream sauce and a chicken taco. Thank goodness I got the all you can eat plate...I had two servings. After lunch, we went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few items.

My parents are letting me borrow a bed for my guest room. It is was my dad's bed from when he was growing up. I like having stuff with history tied to it. Alyssa, Shane and Trent helped me get that bed set up; making my guest room/office complete.

We finished in enough time to go back to church where we had a "pizza party." It was a fellowship where the staff gave updates. On August 10, the church is going to be moving into a permanent building. Right now they are meeting at Bill Bates Cowboy Ranch. It is a cute building, but not really conducive for a church service. The lighting is bad, the acoustics are awful...not to mention the bar that is transformed in the the donut display. It is exciting to hear of their progress. The staff is really inspiring.

On the way home from church, my parents stopped by my place to see the progress I have made with the place. My parents hardly ever come to my home, so it was a treat that they stopped over.

After the family left, I dove head first into my bedroom. I wanted to get my house done before starting a new week. Guess what...MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! I finished my room about 9:30 last night. I am very pleased with the way it all turned out. I am excited that I have a guest room and can entertain guests. I think Cappie really misses Brooke and her cat, Punk. We slept in the guest bed last night. I wanted to try out the mattress. I slept so good. The twin mattress is a better one than my full mattress. Maybe I will sleep in the guest ever so often.

So, I said all that to say this: I have room for people to come visit me and stay at my house now. I don't share a house with roommates, so feel free to come and stay a while.

Love and Blessings -- Jared

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