It's Monday, and the weekend is over. I can't believe it is over so soon! I got my laundry done this weekend. I hadn't washed any clothes since I moved. I had lived in the duplex almost a whole month and finally just did laundry. Yes, I have that many clothes. It is nice at times, but at the same time, it is a pain when I finally do laundry.
I had to play the piano at church yesterday. I always get so nervous when I have to play the piano. I play the keyboard at church every Sunday, but when the pianist is out, I get moved to the big piano. Lynda is an incredible pianist, she is proficient in piano. She can read music and can add so many incidentals. Probably one of the best pianist that I have ever heard. So when I have to fill her shoes, I get petrified. I was completely drenched in sweat by the time the worship service was over. I hate sweating. But, I must admit, that is the best practice I can get...having to play for "big church."
I want to get a piano for my home. I have a keyboard right now...it is nice, but there is something in the sound of a real piano that is unmatchable. I am confident that I will get a piano soon...the timing just isn't right.
My younger brother and sister came over on Saturday. I like how the older I get, and the older my siblings get, our relationships change from siblings to friends. They also make me feel older...which I am. But, my mind feels the same age as them. Shane helped me with laundry, and then I touched up Alyssa's roots, and added more highlights to her hair. She is so gorgeous!
I briefly talked with my older brother Eric on Friday. He is now an officer in the military. I am proud of him. He and his wife are expecting their child sometime in September. Could I have a niece or nephew with the same b-day as mine?!?!?
I also got to hang out briefly with my other older brother James. He is going through the ordination process to become an Episcopal priest. James is one of the most intelligent people I know. When we were younger, I would have never expected James to be so kind, laid back and understanding of most once he got older. James really does exemplify a true Christian. I hope to be as wise as him someday. Last year James and I went to a few of the Dallas Summer Musicals. It was so much fun and we had some great talks while hanging out. I am really looking forward to this years' roster of musicals!
Isn't it funny how family always remains important. That was ingrained into us kids growing up. Can't take any possessions with you to heaven...just people. I am glad that I am learning to invest more time into my family. Family can hurt you the most, but I love that they are mine!
I hope everyone has a fabulous Monday! Take time to call a sibling...they can brighten your day!
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