I woke up at 4:30 this morning. I was completely rested and could not fall back asleep...much to my dismay. I have become addicted to the Biography channel. So if one can't sleep, what does he do? He gets up and puts on the coffee and turns on the Biography channel.
The first episode I was able to watch this morning was Ian Flemming. He was a British author. He created the James Bond character and wrote all the books. I was quite surprised to learn that the creator of James Bond also was the creator of Chitty Bang Bang...another one of my favorite movies .
Chitty Bang Bang was the bed time stories that Ian used to tell his son. It was sad to think that he died in his 50's due to smoking 60 cigarettes a day.
Which bring me to a new topic...not smoking. I haven't bought a pack of cigarettes since the Sunday before the new year. And it has not been pretty. Though I am pleased to report that my eating has not increased, my cough is less phlemmy, and my bank account appreciates the break from a daily trip to Bobcat. The greatest thing I miss about smoking though is not the nicotine or the flavor, it is the mini-breaks I used to take. During those times, I could just sit and not have to do any thing except focus on myself.... Yes, it is selfish, but it was nice.
Then, I watched a biography on Sean Connery. I learned that when he starred with Harrison Ford in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade," Connery was just 12 years older than Ford. Connery also said that Tippy Hedron was the most underrated actresses of her time.(Not sure that I agree with him on that one) Isn't it funny how people have different likes and dislikes?
The snow is almost all gone. I got to work, and in the corner of the buildings, I caught a glimpse of some snow still piled up.
And, Hillary won the democratic primaries last night. I have always thought that Hillary would make a great president and the Barack would be a great vice. Guess what...Hillary is hinting about combining forces with Barack. Isn't that ironic? I am very glad that I took time out of my day yesterday to go vote. I feel that I helped plan the future of our country. I am very excited about this years election. I feel that America is about to take pride in herself again, which hasn't been seen in quite some time.
Brooke's brother, Justin, came over last night. I cooked dinner. We had some baked chicken, green beans and mashed potatoes with sweet tea. yum. Then we played Farkel. Farkel is a dice game that is so much fun. I won 3 out of 4 games. Yes, I am good at this game. ha ha ha We then watched, "Man of the Year." It stars one of my favorite actresses, Laura Linney. To me, she is the most underrated actors out there. Her looks remind me of my mom when she was in high school. It was a cute movie. I thought it would just be a comedy, but there was some suspense there too.
Today is a gorgeous day. The bike ride to work was fantastic. Take some time to step outside to enjoy it! Love to all!
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