Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Usually I am not one to wish that I had made different choices in my life. Some choices had consequences that sucked. Some greatly effected my life. But, I don't regret learning the lessons that I experienced during each difficult time.

One area that I do have a regret though is in sports. I have never enjoyed sports. I don't like being outside long enough to complete a full game. I don't like having to run and sweating. Oddly, when I do play, I can hold my own. I am not saying that I am the best at any of the sports. In basketball, I am horrible at offense, but in defense, I can cover a player so well that they have a hard time scoring. In baseball, I can't throw the ball that far at all...I usually am in the out field and run the ball half way in before I throw it. However, when it comes to batting...I am pretty good.'s the deal, I hate football, I broke my collar bone playing football Thanksgiving morning 1996. I can't throw the ball, I can't block worth anything; but I can catch and out run others. I enjoy playing volley ball ever so often. But that is the extent of my sporting.

I wish I enjoyed playing, watching, or even talking sports. There are so many "communities" built around sports. So many stories are told that involve sports. Many TV events are sports related. Small town football games, college parties, and of course professionals....all this is lost with me.

I am on a mission to find a sport that I will be good at and that I will ENJOY!!!!


Julie said...

I laughed out loud when I got to the part about running half way in before throwing the baseball!! :) :) I didn't play sports but I LOVE to watch almost any sport except for bowling. I watched more college football last fall than Bryan did. We are thinking about cancelling our satellite and ESPN in the fall will be one thing I may miss.

How about tennis? Could that be your sport. Or, golf. You don't sweat much in golf unless it is really hot and you have to walk!! :)

Julie said...

I like the change up!! It looks clean and fresh!!