Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A great week so far...

I don't think I have ever been so busy at work, which is a very good thing. Last week I decided to start making small changes in my everyday life to see what the effects would be on my work life. It has been a very rewarding exercise. I have started a diet...if you call it that. I am drinking slimfast for breakfast and lunch, then I have a "more healthy" meal for dinner. I am trying to cut out the take-out/fast food side of dining. Living without a family means that I have to cook a meal that is small enough for me. That is so difficult. It is so much easier to just pick up a single serving for just one. However, I am putting that part of eating out to an end.

I am also trying to get a good night's rest every night; although last night I couldn't sleep. And, all these small changes are making a difference in my daily work. Yesterday, I closed a sale...YIPPIE! Today I have a meeting at 11 to discuss another possible sale. Then tomorrow, I have a phone conference set for 2 that is another sale to close. I am excited about getting involved with sales. It stretches me...I am not accustomed to selling a service. It is difficult for me to sell something if I can't see or feel it. But, the more I am involved with every aspect of the company, the more I am able to understand, allowing me to be more effective with sales.

My roommate, Brooke, moves this weekend. So, just Cappie and I will occupy 109 S. Kentucky! At first, I thought about getting a cat for Cappie to play with during the day, but I do not have enough energy to litter box train a cat. I will have to see how Cappie will adapts to being home alone once Brooke and her cat moves.

I had lunch with my parents' pastor yesterday. He is a great guy who truly has a pastor's heart. This was the second time we have visited over lunch. I really appreciate his concern and interest with me and my life. I have reservations about going to church with my parents...and I think Craig understand that. He understands that I am completely burned out on church. He doesn't criticize me about that; he can understand why I feel the way I do about church. He also wants to help mend some brokenness that my relationship with my mom and dad have. I have lots of questions, and he doesn't pretend to have an answer for all of them. He wants me to be me, just with the strengthening of God's power. I really appreciate his friendship.

I am so not a summer person. Other than shorts and a tan, I don't think I would miss Summer if we skipped from Spring to Autumn. It stormed a little last night, so that cooled the temperature a little. But with rain comes humidity. I hate humidity. When I lived in California, I hardly ever sweat. All I have to do here in Texas is step out the front door and I am covered in sweat drops. I wish the outdoors had a thermostat that we could set. Wishful thinking, huh?

Well, it is hump day, so I hope the downward slide to the weekend is pleasant for everyone! Talk with ya soon!


Julie said...

I started trying the Slim Fast diet before vacation but totally blew it when we were out east!!! Now I'm back on it this morning. My favorite is strawberry!!!

Your parent's pastor seems like a caring guy!! I think it is nice you are building a relationship on your own.

Tisha said...

Try Sprouts for healthy, one-person meals. We sometimes pick up to for our own family! Love that placE!!